Reassess Your Weapons zine needs contributions and submissions for it’s tenth issue.
We hope to have this issue ready to take to the Zinefest occurring at The Women’s Library in London on January 24th 2009.
As always, general submissions are hugely sought after, as well as submissions around this issue’s theme; Boundaries.
The theme developed from the need to recognise and respect boundaries in order to effectively and comfortably work within, and contribute collectively to our communities.
However, please feel free to contribute by exploring any ways in which boundaries affect or influence you. Or around the theme of boundaries in general.
Reassess Your Weapons zine developed from the Manifesta feminist and queer DIY collective in Leeds, UK but has grown into a wider collective, contributions based zine, which is looking for submissions from and friends and supporters of Manifesta’s feminist ethos.
To contribute, or for more information, please contact: reassessyrweapons@manifesta.co.uk
Deadline for submissions: January 4th 2009

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