Hey everyone, My name is Sabrina Chapadjiev, and I'm the editor of Live Through This- On Creativity and Self-Destruction.
I'm booking some tour dates in the UK and would love to come to your town to talk about art, feminism, self-destruction, and how to survive in this mad, mad world!
Live Through This is a collection of original stories, essays, artwork, and photography, Nan Goldin, Eileen Myles, bell hooks, and other cutting-edge artists explore their use of art to survive madness, abuse, incest, depression, and the impulse toward self-destruction manifest in eating disorders, cutting, addiction, and contemplation of suicide.
The book confronts the brutality many women and girls encounter in the world around them, and bravely takes as its subject the often misunderstood violence they at times inflict upon themselves.
People can find out about the book Here
about THE TOUR
While putting "Live Through This" together, I found myself constantly attempting to understand what makes a person take their silent rage out on themselves, rather than understand it. Themes of shame, control, power and isolation came up continually- and soon I realized that each artists’ story shone some light on why some of the most intelligent and powerful people I knew were destroying themselves.
I'm currently touring colleges, writing centers and basically, anyone who’s interested in the fine line between destroying and creating yourself, both as an artist, and simply, as a person discovering their power. I offer lectures, workshops, classroom talks and more- all within a reasonable fee, all designed to begin a real discourse on art and survival.
I offer six different workshops (gasp!) on art, gender, self-destruction, mental health and creativity.
To find out more about the workshops- go Here
“I've seen the kind of show Sabrina can put on. It's good, strong work. Right to the heart. Her talk is articulate, accessible, compassionate, and street level smart. As illustrations accompany many pieces in the book, she has woven together a mind-boggling kick ass a/v presentation. She carries an important message, and she's a perfectly lovely human being to work with.” -KATE BORNSTEIN
author of “Gender Outlaw” and “Hello Cruel World, 101 Alternatives to Suicide for Freaks, Geeks and Other Outlaws”
“Talking about self-destruction isn’t easy, but Chapadjiev, a dynamic and supportive leader, shared and encouraged ways to channel self-destructive behaviors into positive energies andcreative work through facilitating real conversations around experiences that many of us shared.” -KL PERIERA
Center for New Words, Boston
That's it- if you're interested, e-mail me at livethroughthis2008@yahoo.com
keep fighting!
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