Thursday, 19 August 2010

wears the trousers meets ladyfest ten for zine fun

The seriously lovely Charlotte of Wears The Trousers Magazine is putting a zine together in time for Ladyfest Ten.
She's looking for anything from 50–200 words about your favourite female-centric band, singer, song or album and why they mean so much to you. Photographic submissions are also welcome.
When she has a good spread of chord-riffed memories and girl-sung nostalgia, it'll all be collated into a one-off, free-for-all zine that will be distributed at this year’s Ladyfest Ten events in London in November. It'll also be available to download.

See all the info, and details on where to send your contributions here on the Wears The Trousers blog post about it all.

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