Tuesday, 8 February 2011

towards new forms of queer belonging? manchester feb 25th

From my inbox, from Humaira, who is kicking ass, as per usual :) ...

Toward New Forms of Queer Belonging?
A day of workshops, 11am -7pm
Friday Feb 25th 2011, in Manchester

Following on from the Interrogating Queer Modes of Belonging reading series, these workshops will challenge the ways in which gay rights are increasingly being used in nationalist, anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim rhetoric and ask what possibilities there are for an effective queer solidarity.

At the LGBT Community Centre, Sidney St:
1100 Welcome, tea and coffee
1130-1300 Belonging: reading group follow-on discussion
1300-1400 Lunch (on donation)
1400-1600 Coalitions and Solidarity: discussion

At the University of Manchester, A113 Samuel Alexander Building:
1700-1900 Roundtable Discussion between activist researchers working on homonationalisms and anti-racist queer solidarities; with Jin Haritaworn (Helsinki), Suhraiya Jivraj (Oxford), Adi Kuntsman(Manchester), and Jennifer Petzen (Berlin).

At Trof Deaf Institute (basement), Grosvenor St:
1900 onwards - Social for an informal continuation of the conversation... with buffet (on donation), performance from Jaheda Choudhury and Col Bashir, and dj blackrainbow.

the workshop is free to attend and open to all but please emailracerevolt@riseup.net to register your interest so we have an idea of numbers.

Check www.racerevolt.org.uk/events/home.html for updates and further information; this event is a collaboration between Race Revolt ‘zine and Manchester Queer Reading Group.

Please forward to anyone you think might be interested.

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