Monday 29 December 2008

if i write them down, i might stick to them...

New years resolutions. I never make them, but I think I need a kick up the ass in 2009, so here we go...

*Take Less On in 2009 so that I can:

- Prioritise important projects
- Go to my job more regularly
- Spend more time with good friends
- Have time to visit people
- Get a bit of my "life" back
- Be a more active co-member of the Manifesta Distro team

*Try and get a hold of my ridiculous fatigue by seeking more helpful (medical) advice and support than I got this year

*Do the things I said I'd do without opting out, and enjoy doing them rather than stressing out about them. Mainly:

- The UK Female Comix Zine exhibition at The Women's Library, 24th Jan 09
- My work for Art XX Magazine
- The Colouring Outside The Lines exhibition June-July 2009 in Bradford
- Colouring Outside The Lines issue 5, due to launch at the above exhibition, June 09
- Write the book chapter on European female comix zines that I've been asked to write for the 'Grassroots Feminism' book

Here's to a more managable year than 2008 was!

(Natalie Dee)

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