From my inbox...Get Yr Cray-On!!! (Please forward widely)
***Call-out for submissions to the Bay Area Childcare Collective Radical Coloring Book!!!***
That’s right- the Bay Area Childcare Collective is putting together a coloring book to use as both a fun and radical teaching tool as well as a fundraiser, and we want your help! For more info on the Childcare Collective, go to
We are looking for some folks to illustrate one or more pictures each with radical themes. Many of the kids using the book have parents or other loved ones already involved in community organizing (especially labor, immigration and housing rights) so we want the book to help explain why this kind of work is great and important.
What we want:
- simple black and white line drawings that will look good when photocopied
- pictures with lots of blank space so they’re fun to color
- appropriate for very young children while still (if possible) appealing to older kids and adults (witty allusions encouraged)
- each picture should include a caption or leave space for a caption that will explain what the picture is about (ex: “everyone in the community helped fight the eviction”)
- please leave a margin of AT LEAST 1” on all sides so it is easy to photocopy!
- be creative! Feel free to use animals, shapes, plants, sea creatures to tell yr story- we want it to be fun and inspire kids’ imaginations.
When you know what you’re going to draw, please email us to let us know so we can avoid repeats and/or complement your artwork with like-minded pieces.
We would LOVE your ideas and suggestions.
We want this book to be a celebration of women of color led organizing!
Some specific ideas that we’ve already come up with include:
* * * POWER/ Just Cause Oakland/ Women’s Collective of the Day Laborer’s Union (the awesome orgs we provide childcare for!)
* * * Dolores Huerta/ Cesar Chavez/ Farm Labor movement
* * * Domestic Workers Movement
* * * Radical labor organizing
* * * Housing rights- fighting evictions, affordable housing, healthy neighborhoods
* * * Food justice (examples: People's Grocery, Rooftop gardens, people's gardens)
* * * Gender diversity, queer visibility
* * * Feminism; Women leaders in bay area movement organizing; Mothers & Parents in the movement
* * * Anti-War resistance & Anti-Imperialism
* * * Environmentalism, water, climate change, caring for the earth
* * * Indigenous resistance, organizing, AIM, EZLN, Alcatraz takeover
* * * Black Panthers/ Young Lords/ & history of liberation movements in the Bay Area
* * * Abolishment of/ work around the Prison Industrial Complex
We might decide to organize the pictures into various sections or themes, like cooperation, solidarity, equality, sharing, negotiation, etc. (TBD)
Also, we want the finished product to be bilingual (English and Spanish), so if you have translation skills, please share them with us!
Submissions can either be scanned and emailed (high quality- 300 dpi or better) to OR you can send it via Snail Mail (though we won’t give it back to you so bear that in mind) to Get Yr Cray-On! c/o Pike, 1884 Market St, SF, CA 94102.
We can’t wait to see what you come up with!
In love and Solidarity,
The Cray-On Crew.