Taking Cultural Production Into Our Own Hands.
A collaborative zine, made for the discussion group on Creating Our Own Culture that I'm running at London Zine Symposium this Saturday.
It's a big bunch of info from a host of *amazing* people on the hows and whys of creating culture yourself... inspiring and skills-sharing.
Thanks to the contributors for writing about:
Starting your own clubnight
Making your own animations
Organising Comedy Nights
Starting your own publishing house
Setting up a zine library
Starting your own theatre company
Recording albums
Creating your own independent gallery space
Writing and publishing your own book
Making zines
Opening your own shop/cafe
PUtting on gigs
Starting your own record label
Starting your own band
Booking and organising spoken-word tours
Curating art shows
Running a magazine
Making your own (documentary) films
Making comics
Making poster artwork for gigs and events.
£1.40 (or free if you contributed!!)
If there's any left, I'll put copies for sale online after the symposium.
More info on the LZS website