Wednesday, 25 August 2010

zine cover art in teal triggs' new book

Cover shots of two of my zines, 'UK Ladyfest Artwork Zine' (2007 - somehow I managed not to include the cover on this PDF version of the zine - glad it's been captured by Teal elsewhere then!!) and the really old 'I'm Not Waiting: Doin It Yrself Now' (2003?) are to feature in the wonderful Teal Triggs' new book 'FANZINES' which is to be published by Thames & Hudson, Oct 2010.

Thanks Teal xox

1 comment:

feministmemory said...

wow, exciting! am really looking forward to this book. teal always does a fantastic job talking about zine cultures and im sure its gonna be a pleasure to read. xox