Friday 12 August 2011

we will not go quietly

From my inbox, via a conversation with Kate (Melbourne, Australia):

We Will Not Go Quietly will be a zine written by survivors of sexual assault, for survivors of sexual assault.

Dreamt up by two victim/survivors – Mel Hughes (of Poetry 101) and Kate Ravenscroft (of 16 Impacts of Sexual Assault) – who mourn the absence of survivors’ voices in their world and want to do something about it, they are seeking stories of survival from sexual assault survivors for publication in a small zine.

Contributions can take any form – poetry, essay, artwork, manifesto, stream of consciousness, narrative, recipes, battle cry, puzzles, comics, photos – anyway you choose to reflect upon and represent your experience of survival, anyway you want to share how you’ve set about rebuilding life on your terms, is welcome.

Some themes that we’d love to see covered in the zine include:

Finding safety
Battling PTSD
Coping mechanisms
Building strength
Believing your voice, your story
Learning to trust your instincts
Recognising your courage
Asking for support
Telling your story
But by no means stop here.

Whatever has been important to you in surviving – we want to hear about it.

We would especially welcome visual expressions on surviving sexual assault – artwork, photos, illustrations, comics etc.

Second round contributions are requested by 28 August 2011 and can be submitted to Please keep contributions to no longer than 1,500 words (no contribution is too short or too small) and anonymous contributions are welcome.

From here we commence collecting, collating and editing submissions. Any offers of support through this phase would be warmly welcomed! Especially offers of assistance with design and layout – anyone with experience in these areas who would be interested in contributing to We Will Not Go Quietly please do not hesitate to get in contact with us.

For more info, see:

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