Call for Art
Transnational Feminisms Conference
December 4-5 2009, with associated events on 6th
This 3 day event will take place at the University of Manchester.
We are putting together an exhibition to accompany the event and are looking for art in a variety of mediums that addresses the themes of this event.
We are keen to showcase original work at this event, through an exhibition, on conference publicity materials and in the conference booklet. Themes of the conference include but aren’t limited to:
Global markets of cultural production
Religion and the nation state
Belonging and home
Feminism and neo-colonialism
Diaspora and migration
The international as the popular
Historical moments of transnational feminism
Struggle for, and violence of, borders
Postcolonial/queer intersections
Feminism and gender in a wider global political debate
Sites and voices of privilege
Historicisation and genealogies
AlliancesCultural and textual translations
Feminist anti-racism
Drawing on the impact of postcolonial feminism and its enactments, this conference will examine how women are affected by political systems in a global climate, how feminism translates and moves across borders, and how feminism can be utilised as a methodology for understanding the transnational context.
Here the transnational is understood to be a complication of notions of the 'elsewhere', highlighting the challenges of fluidity, movement and instability whilst also paying close attention to locatedness.This is a feminism that is engaged with the woman-as-subject without making universalising claims regarding women's experience; it both considers how gender operates and critiques categorisation.
The purpose of this conference is to explore the vitality of feminist interdisciplinarity as it pertains to the transnational, providing space for these debates to come together, creating an interrogation of transnational feminist theory and practice from academic, activist and artistic standpoints.
We have a small amount of funding to facilitate getting artwork to Manchester, or printing good quality and well-sized images that are sent in.
Funding can also be applied for to assist artists in attending the conference to talk about their work on an artists’ roundtable. To submit your work for the conference please send the following to by August 28th 2009:
An outline of the work you would like to exhibit at this event - 300 words max
A short biography
Any relevant weblinks / jpegs of your work
The style of work you would like to exhibit (eg image / AV / slideshow)
How the work would need displaying (eg size of work, if work can be emailed / posted)
Expression of interest in being considered for poster image
Expression of interest in image in conference pack
Expression of interest in attending the event
Expression of interest in talking about your work at the event