Friday, 10 December 2010

queer modes of belonging reading group‏

Interrogating Queer Modes of Belonging
A Manchester Queer Reading Group Series

In collaboration with Race Revolt ‘zine

6pm Mondays January 17th, 31st & February 14th 2011
LGBT Community Centre, 49-51 Sidney Street, Manchester, Behind 8th Day Co-op/opposite All Saints Park.

Culminating in an all-day workshop; with various discussions, Jin Haritaworn in conversation with Adi Kuntsman, and Q&A 12-7pm, Friday February 25th 2011, Manchester
Check for updates

This reading series considers texts that address the ways in which gay rights are being used in nationalist, anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim rhetoric by racist organisations such as the English Defence League, politicians like Geert Wilders and even increasingly by gay activists.
Is it possible to show solidarity without patronising LGBTQI struggles elsewhere? How do we resist justifications for war on the basis of appeals to women’s and queer rights? Is secularism compulsory for LGBTQI people, and what does this mean for those who profess a faith? Does the focus on legal rights such as joining the army or gay marriage represent your idea of liberation?

All welcome, refreshments provided.

Let us know you’re coming and access readings by sending an email to

Find a group near you or tell your friends!

As well as Manchester, the series is running in the following cities:
Brighton (,
Bristol (,
Coventry (,
Lancaster (,
Leeds (
London (

Email for details of dates and venues.

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