Monday, 10 January 2011

73 women feminist art exhibition july 2011, london

from my inbox...

RE: 73 Women - Feminist Art Exhibition (July, 2011)

If you are interested in being informed about this event, In Stoke Newington, London, UK, please email:

Please forward information to any artists and feminists who may be interested and ask them to send a one line (yes only one line!) email, and we will put them on the email list.

Thank you, Banu Cansever, Caroline Halliday, Zoe Clifford from 73 Women

This is not a call out for work, please do NOT send images or other details to this address, at this point.

Brief outline

73 Women is a women's art trail along the route of the 73 bus, from Tottenham Court Road to Tottenham. Between 5 and 7 cafes, venues and galleries are involved. Each venue will arrange their own show based on this theme. Some of the venues may choose to have specific focuses, e.g. Turkish, lesbian or black women artists.

At The Gallery, Stoke Newington, (in the middle of the art trail) we will have a Feminist Art Show, No Compromise, (title not yet confirmed). We expect about 40 artists to be involved, all media.
We plan to have a projector show in addition to work in the gallery space.
All feminist/women artists encouraged to contact us.
There will be some costs involved unless we are able to secure funding.

We will answer your queries at a later date. Thanks.

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