Tuesday, 22 March 2011

shape & situate 2 - submissions open

[EDIT: The deadline for submissions has been extended until the end of April 2011]

Are you from Europe? Would you like to be part of Shape & Situate zine #2 by making a poster on an inspirational European woman?

Here's a mini-blurb explaining what Shape & Situate is all about:

It's a zine of posters made by artists and DIY creatives within Europe, each poster highlighting the (often hidden) history and lives of radical inspirational women and collectives from Europe, as a way of connecting us with the past, the present and to help us to make sure that there will be a future which contains such creative and pioneering female action and activity. The zine aims to activate feminist cultural memory, to inspire in the present and to bring women’s social and political history to life.

The deadline for contributions to issue 2 is the very end of March 2011, would you like to be a part of it?

If so, and you haven't already, please do send me your ideas for who you'd like to make a poster of so that I can check there's no duplications. There's been some brilliant suggestions and submissions so far - thanks so much!

What I'm looking for:

- A black & white poster (to be emailed as a Jpeg, or posted to me so that I can scan the original if that's easier for you)

- The poster will be reproduced in the zine at A5 size (in case that affects how you'd like to present your work?)

- The poster will tell the history of or share information on a radical or inspirational *European* woman (or women's collective) in poster-form. I'm looking at European women as a focus with this zine, as very often a lot of projects similar to this one have been so American-heavy and I feel it really omits a lot of amazing European women from being discussed (this is not to say that women outside of Europe are not inspirational, obviously).

- By 'woman' I mean female-identified.

- Where possible, the poster will take as it's subject somebody/a collective who isn't already readily documented within our history. I would love for the zine to raise awareness of amazing women (living or deceased) who have largely gone under the radar, or who are within our own communities.

- All the information you want to share about your subject must fit within the confines of your poster so that each page stands alone.

I hope this is something you'll be interested in being a part of. Let me know if so - I'd love to hear your ideas!

Love Melanie xox


P.S: The latest news on where Issue 1 can be found: http://remember-who-u-are.blogspot.com/2011/01/shape-and-situate-zine-latest.html

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