I have been asked to compile/curate a comics exhibition as part of January 2009's
‘Zinefest’ at The Women’s Library, London.
Due to the nature of the event, it has been decided that this exhibition shall focus on
artwork found within comics zines, and self-published comics.
The exhibition will contain whole zines, blown up pages from individual zines, and original artwork from creators.
The exhibition is to specifically focus on
UK female comics zine creators, to celebrate and recognise tremendous home-grown talent.
Are you interested in contributing to this exhibition? If you are interested, and I hope you will be, there are a few ways to
get involved:
1) Send a copy of any comics zine you have made that you would like to feature in the exhibition (both current, and past zines are all welcomed – there’s no date/age specifications)
After the exhibition, all zines will be added to the Women’s Library Zine Archive, and details of the zine will be added to the online zine database, for others to view. If you are happy for your zine to be a part of this archive, please include a note of the date, and place of publication so that it can be correctly archived.
2) Send a particular (blown up?) page from your zine(s)/online zine that you would specifically like featured in the exhibition
3) Zinefest is part of a broader ‘magazines’ exhibition being held at the Women’s Library in January called ‘Between The Covers’.
As part of the zine artwork exhibition,
I invite you to submit a piece of original comics artwork - drawn especially for zinefest - on the theme of magazines and zines -- eg. a drawing or strip perhaps around a personal experience with a magazine/zine in some way (good, bad, funny, inspirational, etc. as a child/teen/adult etc.) This could even be a piece about an inspiring feminist magazine or zine you have read.
4) As part of Zinefest, there are many workshops and skills-sharing events occurring throughout the day.
I am asking for individual creators to send me written
hints and tips, and ‘how to’ advice to include within the exhibition from comics zinesters to inspire and encourage the further creation of comics zines in the audience.
There is the potential for these ideas, hints and tips to be incorporated into the ‘zine making 101’ workshop to be held at the beginning of the day [get in touch too if you’d like to speak as part of this workshop, from a comics zine perspective].
Also, there will be general tables/supplies left out during the whole day so that anybody can make mini-comics and zine pages, so any hints and tips you can offer will be useful for individuals starting from scratch.
5) Send me details of
anybody else you think would like to be or should be included in such an exhibition who I may have overlooked.
Full details of the event:
Zine Fest!
Saturday 24th January 2009, 12pm-4pmThe Women's Library, 25 Old Castle Street
London E1 7NT
Zinefest details on Women's Library Website Email me for the address to send any zines, artwork, individual pages to: m_k_maddison@hotmail.com
Between The Covers exhibition details:
http://www.londonmet.ac.uk/thewomensl ibrary/whats-on/exhibitions/forthcoming-exhibitions.cfm
Women’s Library’s Zine database:
http://www.londonmet.ac.uk/thewomenslibrary/searchth ecollections/printed-collections/zines/zine-index.cfm
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Many thanks for reading, I hope we can create a terrific exhibition really exploring all the amazing comics zines that we create.
I would love to hear from you, if possible, by the first couple of weeks in December 2008 so that we miss the Christmas rush!
All the best, Melanie xox